The Inspector Wears Skirts IV
鐵血錦衣衛 Police Pool of Blood Secret Service Of The Imperial Court
皇家師姐6:地下兵工廠 Forbidden Arsenal In the Line of Duty VI In the Line of Duty 6
賊美人 The Good, The Bad The Beauty The Heist
白宮淪陷(港) 全面攻佔:倒數救援(臺) 奧林匹斯陷落 白宮陷落 End of White House
火城絕殺 酷熱
精武俠緣 精武小英雄 小毛頭大英雄 Little Hero on the Run Brawl is Small Sovereign
逃出行動,Breakout Brothers
Drunken Monkey in the Tiger’s Eyes,Drunken Master
Year 2
鬼神戰士II(臺),帝國驕雄II(港),Gladiator 2,角鬥士2 Gladiator II
末路狂盜,倒數反擊,誠實的小偷,The Honest Thief