舉起手來(之二):追擊阿多丸/Track Aduowan/Hands Up 2
憨豆先生 豆豆秀 比恩先生 Bean The Ultimate Disaster Movie
Home Alone 5: Alone in the Dark,小鬼當家:假期劫案
救世主:歸來 Oh My God Returns
謊言與幻想/特工女友/Alicia's Book
布魯諾:網眼T恤外國基佬讓直男難堪不已的美國奇妙旅行,波兒出城之妖壇教祖三點“畢露”搞硬美國佬,G型教主,Bruno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt,Bruno