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謎案搜查團,神秘特工,謎案特工,Agents of Mystery
去鄉村的Z/Urban Z That Went To CountrySideZ世代下鄉趣
換乘戀愛,另一個開始/換乘戀愛 番外
吃貨與阿毛的摩托公路遊/吃貨與阿毛的逍遙遊(港/臺)/吃貨與阿毛/The Hungry and the Hairy
Street Women Fighter
欲罷不能 / 獨唱 / 獨角戲 / Single's Inferno / Too Hot to Handle
Game of Blood
Let's Get Married!,結婚吧 笨蛋啊!,結婚吧 孟孔啊!
黃金漁場之Radio Star/Golden Fishery Radio Star/Radio Star
做飯得飯/種豆得豆 番外/Green Bean, Red Bean - spin-off/GBRB Spinoff: Cafeteria Operation
나는 SOLO / 나는 솔로 / SOLO
The Return of Superman
슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다