生命宛如致命性病 Zycie jako smiertelna choroba przenoszona droga plciowa Life As a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease
A Walker in Darkness Walking in Darkness
The Girls Spring
Rhapsody in August
一生的愛都給你 一個法國女人 A French Woman
Bay of Angels
湯姆在農莊(臺) 基密農場(港) 湯姆在農場 牧場心旅 Tom At The Farm
靜靜的決鬥 The Quiet Duel
我們仨(港)/童心計劃(臺)/我們家/The House of Us/Woorijb
Legend of Half Bowl Village
The Whistleblower
Wai Si-Lei chuen kei/The legend of the golden pearl
If You Were Here