鷹之路 L'Aigle et l'Enfant The Way of the Eagle
翩翩人生波麗娜(港) 波麗娜(臺) 翩翩人生波琳娜
我爸是若瑟(港) The Son of Joseph
一名好妻子 A Good Wife
Era el Cielo The Silence of the Sky
Bruno Reidal, Confession of a Murderer Bruno Reidal Confession d'un meurtrier Bruno Reidal, Confessions of a Murder 魔童殺人自白書(港)
See You Again
Persona Non Grata Persona Non Grata The Chiune Sugihara Story
大路 龍騰中國 The Trail
我們仨(港)/童心計劃(臺)/我們家/The House of Us/Woorijb
Legend of Half Bowl Village
The Whistleblower
Wai Si-Lei chuen kei/The legend of the golden pearl