The Autobots
開心超人2 Happy Heroes 2 Qiyuan Planet Wars
航海王:阿拉巴斯坦戰記~沙漠王女與海賊們/ONE PIECE劇場版 沙漠王女與海賊們/One Piece The Movie: Episode of Arabasta - The Desert Princess and the Pirates/One Piece: The Desert Princess and the Pirates - Adventure in Alabasta/海賊王電影版2007:沙漠公主與海盜們
阿斯泰裡克斯:魔法藥水的秘密 Asterix - The Secret of the Magic Potion
麥兜的故事 My Life as McDull
Reign of the Supermen
Bleach劇場版 別處的記憶 Bleach劇場版 無人的記憶 Bleach劇場版 Memories of Nobody 死神劇場版 Bleach The Movie - Memories of Nobody
紙上談情,Im Flug erobert,O Rapaz do Papel,Paperirakkautta
濱海步道之戰/Jersey Crabs
Dalia and the Red Book
Reign of the Supermen
熊貓、小熊貓/Panda! Go Panda!