Taking Tiger Mountain by Stategy
魔鬼部隊,殘酷大浩劫,Laboratory of the Devil,Man Behind the Sun 2,Man Behind the Sun 2: Laboratory of the Devil,Maruta 2: Laboratory of the Devil,Men Behind the Sun 2,Men Behind the Sun 2: Laboratory of the Devil,Unit 731: Laboratory of the Devil
泰王納瑞宣 Naresuan King Naresuan Tamnaan somdet phra naresuan maharat phaak ong prakan hongsaa Legend of King Naresuan Hostage of Hongsawadi
The Red Ghost/Krasnyy prizrak
Ice and Snow Jin Dalai
勇士/Brave Rombardier
Trinil: Kembalikan Tubuhku,Trinil: Balekno Gembungku
Battle for the Western Front
阿基米德的戰爭,The Great War of Archimedes
中途島,中途島海戰,中途島戰役,Battle of the Midway
The Children