回憶中的瑪妮(臺)/Omoide no Marnie/When Marnie Was There
Stranja Sword of the Stranger Sutorenjia Mukô hadan
好想大聲說出心底話。(港) 好想大聲說出心底的話。(臺) 心靈的吶喊 心靈吶喊 心在吶喊 心欲吶喊 未聞蛋名 Beautiful Word Beautiful World The Anthem of the Heart
奇妙仙子:海盜仙子 廷克·貝爾:海盜仙子 Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy Tinker Bell and the Quest for the Queen
夢城兔福星 威探闖通關 Who Framed Roger Rabbit 3D
聖鬥士星矢 Legend of Sanctuary/Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary
Yugo Lala IV