氣墊,AIR Jordan
All These Years
藍袍下的溫柔(港) The Blue Caftan
This House
Where Nothing Grows,Tam, gdzie nic nie rośnie
Far Frontiers Na Dalnikh Rubezhakh
Big George Foreman: The Miraculous Story of the Once and Future Heavyweight Champion of the World
So Said So Done
荷蘭,Holland, Michigan,Welcome To Holland,荷蘭,密歇根,歡迎來到荷蘭
消防員,Cesium Fallout
Abang Adik
蘇珊娜:Kliwon 星期五晚上
沙漠心風暴(臺) Sufat Chol Sand Storm סופת חול
Spring Tide
女孩與蜘蛛(臺)/The Girl and the Spider