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演員:Jack Hedley Almanta Suska 霍華德·羅斯 安德烈亞·奧基平蒂 亞歷山德拉·蕾裡·科利 保羅馬 爾科夫 辛姿婭·德·蓬蒂 科西莫·奇涅裡 達妮埃拉·多里亞
劇情:不夜城紐約,光怪陸離,夜夜笙歌,人們陶醉在美酒佳人的夢幻世界中,早已忘卻躲在黑暗處的隱隱殺機。 某晚,一名妓女被人殘忍殺害,警官弗瑞德•威廉姆(Jack Hedley 傑克•海德雷 飾)負責調查此案,在問詢女房東(Babette New 貝比特•紐 飾)時,得知死者在前一晚上曾和一名有著公鴨嗓的神秘男子交談。不久後,被害者不斷增加,且都是年輕女性,死狀恐怖。威廉姆認定這是一起瘋狂的連環殺人案。未免引起混亂,警方嚴密封鎖消息,威廉姆只能單槍匹馬追尋真正的兇手……
演員:卡特里娜 馬科爾 保羅馬 爾科夫 阿尼婭·皮艾洛麗
劇情:波士頓郊外的新英格蘭,一幢古老的房子廢棄破敗。傳說很久之前,一位名叫弗萊德斯坦的科學家住在這裡,他曾抓狂殺害自己的妻女,從此變成了一個吃人肉為生的恐怖殭屍,存活已有上百年。雖然這些傳說有些荒誕無稽,但這幢房子卻是散發著不祥的氣息,諸多居住於此的人最終都遭遇了不幸。 因工作的緣故,小男孩鮑伯(Giovanni Frezzi 飾)隨父母搬到弗萊德斯坦博士的房子裡。此搬入那天開始,怪事及恐怖事件便接連發生。而鮑伯的父親(Paolo Malco 飾)在研究瘋狂科學家的生平時,也逐漸發現了其中的秘密……
演員:瓦萊莉婭·鐸比奇 萊昂納多·特雷維謬 保羅馬爾科夫 拉臘·文德爾 伊麗亞娜·米格里歐
劇情:A police officer, Nicola, violently argues with his rich wife, Sarah, because of her affair with a man, and goes to his female friend, Anne, a psychologist\/ professor. But Sarah was murdered in the bathroom of the house, and most parts of the police think Nicola is the primary suspect, except Piero, an inspector of the case, who realises that what the still-unknown-murderer really wants is his daughter, Carol who is one of the students of Anne... If one expect something cinematically new in this film, (s)he will be disappointed strictly because there is almost nothing new. But (s)he is a fun of Giallo films, I think (s)he can love this because whole the film consisted of selective elements of Giallo films, notably of Dario Argento's TENEBRE and FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET. For instance, the music composer of this film is Claudio Simonetti of the GOBLIN (and he does an excellent job here), and Lara Wendel of TENEBRE's youngest victim, Maria, plays the short-haired fair heroine, Carol (and her boyish attractiveness adds a fresh atmosphere to the film). But above all, particularly with the regard to the plot, the influence of FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET is much stronger, and one can even say this film is a post-TENEBRE remake of it.
演員:瓦萊莉婭·鐸比奇 萊昂納多·特雷維謬 保羅馬爾科夫 拉臘·文德爾 伊麗亞娜·米格里歐
劇情:A police officer, Nicola, violently argues with his rich wife, Sarah, because of her affair with a man, and goes to his female friend, Anne, a psychologist\/ professor. But Sarah was murdered in the bathroom of the house, and most parts of the police think Nicola is the primary suspect, except Piero, an inspector of the case, who realises that what the still-unknown-murderer really wants is his daughter, Carol who is one of the students of Anne... If one expect something cinematically new in this film, (s)he will be disappointed strictly because there is almost nothing new. But (s)he is a fun of Giallo films, I think (s)he can love this because whole the film consisted of selective elements of Giallo films, notably of Dario Argento's TENEBRE and FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET. For instance, the music composer of this film is Claudio Simonetti of the GOBLIN (and he does an excellent job here), and Lara Wendel of TENEBRE's youngest victim, Maria, plays the short-haired fair heroine, Carol (and her boyish attractiveness adds a fresh atmosphere to the film). But above all, particularly with the regard to the plot, the influence of FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET is much stronger, and one can even say this film is a post-TENEBRE remake of it.