演員:P.K.奈爾 剋日什托夫·扎努西 萊斯特·詹姆斯·派里斯 維德胡·維諾德·喬普拉
劇情:電影如蝴蝶,漂亮而短壽。千機萬變抓住美好固已難能可貴,留住永恆之美,庶幾無憾。印度氣候潮熱,多虧人稱「奈爾先生」的印度電影保育之父,無數瀕臨損毀邊緣的珍貴作品,得以保存修復。由門票收藏家變身菲林衛士,不避跋涉直入窮鄉挽救煙沒的電影,奈爾走過的路可有十萬八千里?看著舊片重 溫、各式製作公司商標的片頭蒙太奇,印度電影史彷佛就在經他保留的影框之間無言揭示。遑論波蘭大師贊祿西、斯里蘭卡國寶培里斯等錦上添花的訪談,直構一場知性大豐收。 Henri Langlois, the French film preservation pioneer, had it easy compared to P. K. Nair. Nair, the founder of the National Film Archive of India, has been instrumental in salvaging his country's cinematic heritage, from early silent films to regional cinema to even popular Hindi movies. He has also been a teacher to a host of filmmakers, including this documentary's director. Heartfelt and illuminating, this is a celebration of cinema and a man who spends his life safeguarding film for future generations.