演員:理查德·塔克 Alec·B.·Francis 瑪麗·阿斯特 安德烈·貝蘭傑 愛蓮·列治 卡梅爾‧邁爾斯 約翰·巴里摩爾 詹姆斯·A·馬庫斯 Kate·Lester Willard·Louis Clarissa·Selwynne Templar·Saxe William·Humphrey Carol·Holloway F.F.·Guenste Michael·Dark 羅絲·迪奧內 Betty·Brice Beaudine·Anderson
劇情:George Bryan Brummel, a British military officer, loves Lady Margery, the betrothed of Lord Alvanley. Despite her own desperate love for Brummel, she submits to family pressure and marries Lord Alvanley. Brummel, broken-hearted, embarks upon a life of revelry. He befriends the Prince of Wales and leaves the army, becoming subsequently the best-known rake and decider of fashion in Europe. As his affairs flourish, so does his disdain for his benefactor, the Prince. Eventually Brummel falls into disfavor, and it is only Lady Margery who has any chance of helping him.