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演員:安德烈亞·奧基平蒂 安妮·帕帕 Fabiola Toledo 瓦萊里亞·卡瓦利 拉臘·蘭貝蒂
劇情:A killer stalks a composer staying at a posh Tuscany villa while writing the score to a horror film which has an incriminating clue to the killer's [email protected]
演員:David Edwin Knight Nancy Brilli Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni Bobby Rhodes 艾莎·阿基多
劇情:一支電視臺的攝製組正在調查拍攝一個傳說中的恐怖禁地,在那裡,他們發現一具惡魔的屍體。無意間,他們將惡魔復活,噩夢降臨人間。 該紀錄片通過電視播出,當一個女子正在觀看時,突然片中的惡魔從電視機裡爬出,隨後展開血腥殺戮。被它攻擊過的人不久也變成恐怖喪屍,四處尋找新的獵物。這個女子所在的大廈被某種怪異的力量封閉,正常的人類不斷減少,喪屍數量則持續增加。是生是死?倖存者面臨痛苦的抉擇。為了活命,他們只有全力拚殺……
演員:Michael Sopkiw Valentine Monnier 吉昂尼·嘉科
劇情:轉 Monster Shark(紅海魔影) 劇情大概: 兩個遊客在海上釣魚時突然遭到一個巨大的水下怪物的襲擊,其中一人死亡,整個下半身都被吃掉了。科學家在對其身上的齒痕進行檢查時,發現這種齒痕只有一種兇殘的原始恐魚才有,而這種兇殘的魚早在幾百萬年前就滅絕了! 類似的怪物襲擊案接連發生,海濱居民陷入一片惶恐之中。 有人調查發現,是某科學家利用海豚的智慧、章魚的力量、還有原始恐魚的兇殘性格等多重基因,將其綜合移殖到一條大魚的身上,使它變成了一個恐怖的水下怪物…… (此片就算不介紹大家也應該知道吧,蘭帕德·帕瓦的成名作,央視早期引進的為數不多的恐怖片之一,正大劇場放映的超人氣作品,雖然不及黑色的遺產有名……) 片子為法國和意大利合拍片,原名為Shark rosso'nelloceano,引進美國後改名為Monster Shark
演員:瓦萊莉婭·鐸比奇 萊昂納多·特雷維謬 保羅馬爾科夫 拉臘·文德爾 伊麗亞娜·米格里歐
劇情:A police officer, Nicola, violently argues with his rich wife, Sarah, because of her affair with a man, and goes to his female friend, Anne, a psychologist\/ professor. But Sarah was murdered in the bathroom of the house, and most parts of the police think Nicola is the primary suspect, except Piero, an inspector of the case, who realises that what the still-unknown-murderer really wants is his daughter, Carol who is one of the students of Anne... If one expect something cinematically new in this film, (s)he will be disappointed strictly because there is almost nothing new. But (s)he is a fun of Giallo films, I think (s)he can love this because whole the film consisted of selective elements of Giallo films, notably of Dario Argento's TENEBRE and FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET. For instance, the music composer of this film is Claudio Simonetti of the GOBLIN (and he does an excellent job here), and Lara Wendel of TENEBRE's youngest victim, Maria, plays the short-haired fair heroine, Carol (and her boyish attractiveness adds a fresh atmosphere to the film). But above all, particularly with the regard to the plot, the influence of FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET is much stronger, and one can even say this film is a post-TENEBRE remake of it.
演員:瓦萊莉婭·鐸比奇 萊昂納多·特雷維謬 保羅馬爾科夫 拉臘·文德爾 伊麗亞娜·米格里歐
劇情:A police officer, Nicola, violently argues with his rich wife, Sarah, because of her affair with a man, and goes to his female friend, Anne, a psychologist\/ professor. But Sarah was murdered in the bathroom of the house, and most parts of the police think Nicola is the primary suspect, except Piero, an inspector of the case, who realises that what the still-unknown-murderer really wants is his daughter, Carol who is one of the students of Anne... If one expect something cinematically new in this film, (s)he will be disappointed strictly because there is almost nothing new. But (s)he is a fun of Giallo films, I think (s)he can love this because whole the film consisted of selective elements of Giallo films, notably of Dario Argento's TENEBRE and FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET. For instance, the music composer of this film is Claudio Simonetti of the GOBLIN (and he does an excellent job here), and Lara Wendel of TENEBRE's youngest victim, Maria, plays the short-haired fair heroine, Carol (and her boyish attractiveness adds a fresh atmosphere to the film). But above all, particularly with the regard to the plot, the influence of FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET is much stronger, and one can even say this film is a post-TENEBRE remake of it.