劇情: Russian hints that the country could hand over America's most wanted whistle blower as a favor to Donald Trump place Edward Snowden in even greater danger than before. A secret meeting between global freedom and civil rights campaigners Snowden, Birgitta Jonsdottir and Larry Lessig turns into a freewheeling discussion about the future of democracy. Birgitta Jonsdottir has been a member of Iceland's parliament since 2009. All her actions have been aimed at giving the people back their voice and opening up the parliamentary process and political decision-making. Larry Lessig is a Harvard law professor. He tirelessly denounces the influence of money in US politics and the way establishment elites collude to support each other against the public interest. The three activists agreed to be filmed during an extraordinary conversation about their ongoing struggles, the last bastions of democracy and the opportunities and choices still left to us. The questions they ask are fundamental. Can democracy be saved? What unites us? How can you tell when democracy has failed?
劇情:In a small village, Leo, 17 years-old, has a strong taste for make-up. His big brother, Jules, who fears to be laughed at, stands against this passion. On the night of the open stage, Leo shows up in full drag...
劇情:昔日的重量級拳擊冠軍喬治(邁克爾?加?懷特 Michael Jai White 飾)在俄羅斯拍攝廣告度日,某天他的家被人闖入後放置了大量毒品,於是喬治因販毒入獄。這場陷害的幕後主使是俄羅斯當地的黑拳界,他們利用犯人們的搏擊比賽開設賭局,而喬治出色的身後令他成為了監獄的目標,各方希望喬治能與獄中拳王伯伊卡(斯科特?阿金斯 Scott Adkins 飾)一戰。 拒絕成為黑拳界謀利工具的喬治在獄中處境艱難,除了獄警的侮辱,伯伊卡一眾也不放棄任何挑釁喬治的機會,當喬治發現自己除了登上擂臺已沒有任何獲得自由的可能以後,他毅然決定與伯伊卡決鬥。然而擁有凌厲腿法的伯伊卡並不是一個低級的對手……