劇情:巴特(大衛·安德斯 David Anders 飾)是一名軍人,一次行動中,他不幸中槍死亡,而就在他的遺體入土沒多久,巴特竟然復活了。有些搞不清楚狀況的巴特找到了生前的好友喬伊(克里斯·維爾德 Chris Wylde 飾),經過兩人的反覆研究和論證,他們得出了結論——巴特變成了喪屍,並且要依靠吸血為生。 就這樣,每到白天,巴特變回屍體,等到夜晚降臨,他就生龍活虎起來。巴特對於鮮血的嗜求讓喬伊十分困擾,經過商討,一個絕妙的注意應運而生——既然必須吸食人血,那何不順便消滅那些在洛杉磯像老鼠一樣存在的骯髒和繁多的惡棍呢?說幹就幹,由喪屍和人類組成的懲奸除惡小分隊誕生了。
劇情:A group of male and female prostitutes make preparations for a big event happening at a shady club where audiences will come to watch them perform sexual acts on stage.
劇情:Successful businesswoman Vivian learns that she is suffering from stage 3 cancer. She hires a private nurse, Jaica, to take care of her. But Jaica begins to play a bigger role in Vivian's life as she becomes the bridge between Vivian and her son Albert, who has felt neglected all his life. The three change and are changed by their circumstances