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犯罪手法層出不窮,破案手法也日新月異。法醫人類學和鑑證學自誕生以來,更是隨著科技的進步不斷發展,僅僅依靠骨頭就能在最殘忍的兇殺案中發揮關鍵作用。約翰·韋恩·蓋西是一名美國連環殺手和強姦犯。他在1972年和1978年之間,對至少33名年齡由14歲至21歲的男孩及年輕男性進行了性侵犯和謀殺。蓋西先後將26名受害者埋在他家的供電管道空間,3名埋在他房產的其他地方,並將最後4名已知的受害者的遺體丟棄在附近的河裡。In 1978 the grisly discovery of a crudely buried collection of skeletons beneath a house in Illinois led police to one of the most notorious serial killers in US history: John Wayne Gacy aka the ‘Killer Clown’.Accused of 33 murders, Gacy was known for his appearances at charitable events and children’s parties dressed as ‘Pongo the Clown’.With a staggering number of human remains to identify, investigators turned to expert forensic anthropologist Dr. Clyde Snow for help – and in doing so, paid a debt to the ground breaking CSIs who used similar techniques to convict the murderous ‘sausage king of Chicago’ almost a hundred years earlier.