Let's Get Married!,結婚吧 笨蛋啊!,結婚吧 孟孔啊!
帳篷外面是歐洲 第五季/Europe Outside Your Tent season5
週刊偶像,Weekly Idol
血戰 第三季,Game of Blood 3
나는 SOLO / 나는 솔로 / SOLO
黃金漁場之Radio Star,Golden Fishery Radio Star,Radio Star
血戰 第三季,피의게임 시즌3,Game of Blood 3,血之遊戲3 피의 게임 3
The Return of Superman
슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다
Rugged Rugby: Conquer or Die/終極橄欖球:不勝利毋寧死
只有類型是喜劇,Just Comedy