點擊量 | 日:4 | 周:4 | 月:4 | 總:19
導演:Stephen Chbosky Josh Schaer Jonathan E. Steinberg
主演:Skeet Ulrich Ashley Scott Sprague Grayden
More Pictures After a nuclear disaster caused by several terrorist attacks destroys most of America, residents of a small Kansas town must come to terms with a new and very different reality. 小鎮Jericho不遠處突發性核爆炸!之後小鎮被完全與外界隔離起來,鎮上的人們根本不知道這次爆炸會在身體上給他們帶來什麼,通過人與人之間在災難過後的恐慌,失措和絕望反映在極致的狀況下他們之間的關係!