劇情: In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft beherrschen Aberglaube und Misstrauen unsere Gesellschaft. Als plötzlich ein fremdes Kind im Wald steht, müssen Skalde (Mathilde Bundschuh) und ihre Mutter Edith (Susanne Wolff) nach jahrelanger Entfremdung wieder zueinanderfinden ....
演員:勞拉·巴蘇基 禮薩·拉哈迪安 Chicco Jerikho Sheila Dara Aisha 皮埃爾 格倫特 Sita Nursanti RSD 露娜·瑪雅 Jeremy Thomas Maya Hasan Dwi Yan Sarah Sechan 科爾內略·森尼 Nihna Fitria Callysta Elvina Dian Sidik Erik Lasmono Tegar Satrya 奇科·庫爾尼亞萬 盧特沙 德拉·達蒂安
劇情: At a quiet motel, a rising star in the film industry must confront her past as she navigates her flourishing career and delicate personal relationships.
劇情: Hari is a curious and sensitive Mumbai pre-teen from an artistic, mixed heritage home. His Hindu mother and Muslim father share an unwavering faith in the ideal of India. When his father’s faith is shaken, Hari vows to restore it as only a modern kid can.
劇情: In the well-to-do suburbs of a small town, a group of pretty average, well-adjusted sixteen and seventeen year olds are ordinary adolescents who take a singular path.