劇情:Does the country have to compensate for a case against those socially weak? Sexual favors and harassment by the high class society, weak females of the society send them a warning. So-yeon is a college student who sues the government for not being able to protect the socially weak from sexual favors. She goes on national television to talk about this case. Hae-yeong is a broadc...
劇情:幽霊が出沒する一軒家。悪霊に毎晩、弄ばれ昇天してしまう25歳の玲子。除霊調査を依頼し、出會った一人の女。導かれるままに現場の部屋を訪れた除霊ハンターは、そこで思いもよらぬモノに出會う。そして突然消える青い男の腕。再び相見えた時、恐怖と快感が入り混じる異常な感覚が待っていた・・・・・・。性霊が私を犯しにくる!―おぞましきセックス・ゴーストの秘密とは・・・・・・。 / 性霊ハンター AKEBI AIKA
劇情:평생 한 남자는 지겹지 않니? 우리 남편 좀 바꿔 살자! 남편과 달라도 너무 다른 성욕으로 고민에 빠져 있던 지은. 오픈 마인드를 지닌 옆집 여자 소현에게 이에 대해 상담하자, 그녀는 상상을 초월하는 독특한 ‘섹스 테라피’를 제안한다. 바로 일주일 동안만 서로의 남편을 바꿔서 살자는 것.
劇情:「淳平、考え直せ」「夜明けまで離さない」の森岡利行監督が、美しき遊女と遊郭に流れ著いた青年の悲愛を描いた官能ドラマ。大正時代の建築が立ち並び、時代から取り殘さたような遊郭に、大きな借金を抱えた無職の男・茂がやってくる。そこで一美という美しい遊女と出會った茂は、女の心のケアをする女師として生きていくことを選ぶ。さまざま人の慾望や悲喜劇が入り亂れる遊郭で、2人は戀に落ちていくのだが……。女優、モデル、タレントとして活動する和田瞳が映畫初主演で體當たりのベッドシーンにも挑戦。一美と戀に落ちる茂を「BOYS AND MEN」の水野勝が演じた。
劇情:Sets out on a part-time job with a pension ipjusik poor college summer break CC is a gyeonghwan and Eun Sook. However, starting with the first murder in the summer due to the part-time pension owner who thought only pleasant memories of when. The wind started to pervade into blood can not get outside, holding back the truth eolhimyeonseo misunderstanding and mixed indiscriminat...