劇情:修建在南極布倫特冰架上的英國最尖端科學考察站哈利六號(Halley VI)遇到麻煩,巨大冰裂縫距離科考站只有6公里。本片講述為價值近3千萬英鎊的哈利搬家的艱難工程。 Last year, Natalie Hewit documented the British Antarctic Survey’s attempt to drag Halley VI, its 981-tonne research station, 23km to a safer location as the Brunt ice shelf it stands on begins to break up. The “beakers” – the science folk – make up a small minority of those involved – there are ...
劇情:這是一個關於一群拾荒者在北京的故事,他們試圖從被廢棄物包圍的城市中尋找自己的生活。距離鳥巢國家體育場三公里外,是與城市風景截然不同的樣貌:約三萬多來自河南的移民住在那裡,透過手機和賣廢品為生。而在2015年,「廢城」即將被拆除… "It is a story about waste and recycling, not only recycling waste, but life, as well as the logic of the villages and cities. 3 km away from the Nestle, National Stadium, there is a place completely different from the urban scenery. About 30,000 migrants from Hena...
劇情:The vitamin industry is worth more than £400million a year in the UK alone, but what are these pills actually doing for people's health? Dr Giles Yeo aims to find out, exploring if vitamin and mineral supplements are what they appear to be and putting people's diets to the test to find out if they really need these supplements. Those he meets include a scientist in Copenhagen, ...
劇情:在一座拜金主義的城市中,有一群人仍堅持活出「人活著不是單靠食物」的哲學,他們不是選擇隱居厭世,而是選擇透過藝術創作,積極入世、提昇心靈、影響別人。 數位水墨始創者黃琮瑜,他的創作手法不單打破普羅大眾認為國畫是老土陳舊玩意的概念,更讓觀眾從新的角度瞭解國畫。他將中西文化精髓揉合起來,作品三度入選香港藝術雙年展。 編舞家周佩韻,努力不懈創作不同的演出模式,打破舞蹈觀賞界限。她的編舞作品《界限.街道圖》,創造了一次互動經驗。這演出首次打破香港觀眾觀賞舞蹈的模式:觀眾不再是被動地欣賞演出,表演場地被改造成一個既規範又無限的環境。這種創新的互動觀賞經驗,連政府文化部門的官員也感驚訝,更創出本地舞蹈節目百分之百入座率的紀錄。她將觀眾消失了的熱情重生,亦使我們的年代重生。 Digital Artist Wong Chung Yu created digital i...
劇情:New planets are now being discovered outside our solar system on a regular basis, and these strange new worlds are forcing scientists to rewrite the history of our own solar system. Far from a simple story of stable orbits, the creation of our solar system is a tale of hellfire, chaos and planetary pinball. It's a miracle our Earth is here at all.
劇情:There are about 600 murders each year in the UK. So, what drives people to kill? Are some people born to kill or are they driven to it by circumstances? In this programme, Michael Mosley delves into the BBC archives to chart scientists' progress as they probed the mind of the murderer to try to understand why people kill, and to find out whether by understanding murder we can p...
劇情:Michael Mosley puts himself through a battery of health tests available to people who feel perfectly well. From an expensive heart scan to a new national screening procedure to detect the earliest signs of bowel cancer, Mosley sets out to discover which if any of the tests are worth doing.
劇情:They are the miracle pills that shouldn't really work at all. Placebos come in all shapes and sizes, but they contain no active ingredient. Now they are being shown to help treat pain, depression and even alleviate some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Horizon explores why they work, and how we could all benefit from the hidden power of the placebo.
劇情:Confronting half of her mother’s life—her mother who had survived the Jeju April 3 Incident—the director tries to scoop out disappearing memories. A tale of family, which carries on from Dear Pyongyang (YIDFF 2005), carving out the cruelty of history, and questioning the precarious existence of the nation-state.
劇情:The world's leading scientists and cinematographers relive 5 extraordinary shark feeding events. From being surrounded at night by 700 grey reek sharks, a 300-strong gathering of blacktip, dusky and bronze sharks feeding on thousands of bait fish, to the spectacular sight of more than 200 blue sharks feeding on the carcass of a seven ton whale; the Great Shark Chow Down is an e...
劇情:The Queen of Kalahari. A 52-minute fictional documentary that tells the incredible tale of a diamond - of its natural state in a mine in Botswana to the final piece of jewellery, revealed to the eyes of the world during an exceptional evening in Paris at the Théatre du Chatelet. The Queen of Kalahari is the story of a diamond with historic colour and dimensions... one of the di...
演員:摩根·史柏路克 Paul Brennan 諾姆·喬姆斯基 拉爾夫·納德 Mark Crispin Miller Rick Kurnit
劇情:The initial announcement described the movie as “A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement is financed and made possible by branding, advertising and product placement.” Sounds like an interesting, if not gimmicky, concept.
劇情:We all like to think we are in control of our lives - of what we feel and what we think. But scientists are now discovering this is often simply an illusion. Surprising experiments are revealing that what you think you do and what you actually do can be very different. Your unconscious mind is often calling the shots, influencing the decisions you make, from what you eat to who...