劇情:瑪麗拉(伊麗莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 飾)是一位在行業內聲名顯赫的電影明星,在一場宴會上,一起死亡事件的發生讓她陷入了危險的境地。原來,死者死於一杯毒酒,而這杯毒酒本應被瑪麗拉飲下。警方迅速介入了調查,隨著線索的展開,瑪麗拉的丈夫傑森(洛克·哈德森 Rock Hudson 飾)成為了終點懷疑對象。 不幸的是,事情並沒有就此終結,神秘的匿名電話,詭異的敲詐字條,在巨大的壓力之下,瑪麗拉的精神迅速瀕臨著崩潰的邊緣。傑森真的是兇手嗎?又是誰對瑪麗拉有著如此的深仇大恨呢?聰明的馬普爾小姐(安吉拉·蘭斯伯瑞 Angela Lansbury 飾)看出了其中的端倪,她能夠順利解決這一案件嗎?
劇情:傑克•拉莫塔(羅伯特•德尼羅 Robert De Niro 飾)出身於紐約的布魯克林區。自小便進行拳擊訓練的傑克很快就在拳擊界嶄露頭角,他因在比賽中出拳迅猛,打擊對手毫不留情,表現得就像一頭公牛,被稱為“憤怒的公牛”。 雖然傑克表現出色,但因為他為人耿直,不肯屈服於黑手黨的安排,所以在當時他一直無緣於挑戰拳王金腰帶。在多次失意後,傑克終於向黑手黨屈服,聽從安排輸掉了一場比賽。之後傑克如願挑戰了拳王並順利加冕。 加冕後的傑克不僅沒有體會到預想中的興奮,反而看透了拳擊界的種種黑幕,決意退出。
劇情:I am awestruck by this movie. Fast zombies that can use weapons, even guns, and are capable of intelligent thought. They plot a strategic offensive to take over the city, hitting the airport, then the TV stations and the power plant. If you love horror, gory, and violent movies and don't mind a little bad acting, then you will LOVE this movie. It is exciting and even a bit suspenseful. It starts out fast and hard and maintains a steady pace of mayhem and carnage. I can't believe more people haven't seen this film. I have yet to meet a horror movie buff that has seen this film before. It is a true gemstone of European horror and exploitation, definitely up to par with the classics of the genre such as Zombi 2, Demons, House by the Cemetery, etc. And it's even readily available uncut (92 minutes) on DVD from Anchor Bay (under the title Nightmare City) and on VHS under the title City of the Walking Dead. Super gory and violent, a must for fans of Italian grind house flicks.
演員:唐納德·薩瑟蘭 瑪麗·泰勒·摩爾 賈德·赫希 蒂莫西·赫頓 M·埃梅特·沃爾什 伊麗莎白·麥戈文 黛娜·馬諾夫 弗瑞德里克·林恩 詹姆斯·希金 Basil Hoffman 奎因·K·雷德克 Mariclare Costello Meg Mundy Elizabeth Hubbard 亞當·鮑德溫 理查德·懷廷 Cynthia Baker Rudy Hornish 簡·奧德曼 Marilyn Rockafellow 唐·比利特 Randy De Troit 邁克·T·維斯
劇情:和大部分家庭一樣,傑瑞特一家人過著穩定而又平靜的生活,卡爾文(唐納德·薩瑟蘭 Donald Sutherland)不僅是一個工作上矜矜業業的正直律師,同時也將父親和丈夫的角色扮演得十分出色,和妻子貝絲(瑪麗·泰勒·摩爾 Mary Tyler Moore 飾)結婚二十餘載,兩人的感情分外穩定。 身為傑瑞特家的大兒子,伯克(Scott Doebler 飾)享受著更多的關心與愛,身為小兒子的康納德(蒂莫西·赫頓 Timothy Hutton 飾)對此卻並不在意。一次意外中,伯克溺水身亡,悲痛欲絕的貝絲遷怒於當時和伯克在一起的康納德,這讓後者十分痛苦與自責,好在有卡爾文的陪伴和關心,他內心的創傷才漸漸治癒。然而,當他再次鼓起勇氣向母親索取溫暖的時候,貝絲的舉動卻讓他的心再一次墜入了冰窖。
劇情:維德勳爵(大衛•普勞斯 David Prowse 飾)把抵抗力量趕出基地,並派出數以千計的探針尋找盧克•天行者(馬克•哈米爾 Mark Hamill 飾)。抵抗力量埋伏到冰天雪地的哈斯星,盧克在一次巡邏任務中意外被雪人所俘,運用“原力”逃生後暈厥中聽到歐比-旺•肯諾比(亞歷克•吉尼斯 Alec Guinness 飾)要他前往狄克星尋找絕地武士尤達師傅受訓。銀河帝國派出大軍進攻哈斯星,韓•索羅(哈里森•福特飾)攜猿人丘巴卡(彼得•梅林 Peter Mayhew 飾)帶莉亞公主(卡里•費什爾 Carrie Fisher 飾)和機器人C-3PO乘千年隼飛船逃生,到達韓•索羅的舊識總督藍多•卡瑞辛(比利•迪•威廉姆斯 Billy Dee Williams 飾)的貝斯平雲城暫時歇腳,卻發現藍多早與維德勳爵達成協議,出賣韓•索羅設計陷阱誘惑盧克前來。學業未成的盧克不顧尤達的勸阻執意孤身付險,一場惡戰在所難免。 本片獲第53界奧斯卡最佳聲效獎及視覺效果特殊貢獻獎,並獲最佳藝術指導-佈景及最佳原創電影音樂兩項提名。
演員:Olga Kacijan Vladislava Milosavljevic Boris Komnenic
劇情:This is a brilliant surrealistic film. But also a fully realistic story about a time when the brave avant-guarde artists were trying to explore the unknown landscapes of human possibilities. The contrast between two realities the poor village and the dadaist artists is shown very smart and brings the possibility of changing the world by the art. Unfortunately, that progressive ideals of making the world better by revealing new areas of imagination, that ruled in the first half of XX century, were crushed by the war. And, the tragedy finishes the artistic ideals are dead, international art brotherhood also, but, as a real disaster Yugoslavia is also dead, as a country, but as an artistic vision of nation's brotherhood, too. So, the art falls apart
劇情:Urban Cowboy is a 1980 American romantic drama film about the love-hate relationship between cowboy Bud Davis (John Travolta) and cowgirl Sissy (Debra Winger). The movie captured the late 1970searly 1980s popularity of Country Music with John Travolta's starring after Grease and Saturday Night Fever.
劇情:Cannes Film Festival YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s) 1980 Won Best Supporting Actress Milena Dravic Tied with Carla Gravina and Terrazza, La (1980). Nominated Golden Palm Goran Paskaljevic Golden Globes, USA YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s) 1981 Nominated Golden Globe Best Foreign Film Brushed with shadings of a larger social and political commentary, this occasionally hilarious and consistently funny comedy looks at a closet alcoholic, Dr. Ilich (Ljuba Tadic) who treats alcoholism in others with an iron hand and a zany therapeutical approach. Between the music of Wagner, a diet in which apples figure prominently, and exercises that look like Chicken Little in take-off mode, the doctor is convinced his patients will be cured. What really ails most of them is what caused their alcohol problem in the first place -- so when the eccentric doctor takes six of his patients to a nearby brewery to demonstrate the success of his treatment, chaos results. First the apples taken on the trip are spiked by one patient (two of them clink their apples in joy) and then the brewery management and its own alcohol-addicted crew add to the patients' antics.
劇情:作曲家以及音樂學院教授約翰•羅素(George C. Scott 飾)和妻子女兒共度假期,然而突如其來的車禍奪去妻女的性命。孤獨悲傷的約翰離開紐約,來到西雅圖一所大學任教。他在當地找到一棟已經空閒12年之久的舊房子,雖然破舊,但清靜的環境正是和約翰的音樂創作。 但搬入後他卻發現,每當早晨6點左右房子內就會傳出奇怪的聲音,不久後約翰更驚恐地意識到,房子裡竟然還住著一個兒童的鬼魂。在鬼魂的示意下,約翰開始有意識的探究這棟房子背後所隱藏的秘密……