劇情: 阿萊克斯(艾倫·卡瓦特 Allen Covert 飾)本來有一份體面而又穩定的工作,還有幸福快樂的人生,但一場突如其來的變故將這一切都粉碎殆盡。如今,年近35歲的阿萊克斯在一家遊戲公司從事電視遊戲測試員的工作,和他一同工作的,都是小年輕,阿萊克斯必須鉚足了勁,才不至於被這些年輕人拋在後面。好在阿萊克斯是一個機靈的男人,他總是有辦法讓自己成為公司裡的焦點。 哪知道阿萊克斯的室友因為沉迷於去夜總會風流,欠下了鉅額債務,連兩人的房租都賠了進去,就這樣,一夜之間,阿萊克斯成為了流落街頭無家可歸的流浪漢。好在很快,阿萊克斯就給自己找到了新的住所,然而讓他沒有想到的是,他的新同居人,竟然是一位名叫格雷斯(雪莉·瓊斯 Shirley Jones 飾)的八十歲老太太。
劇情:In this unique documentary Pope Francis opens the Vatican’s doors to the world, and guides us, with his voice over, discovering his personal and passionate concept of Art: instrument of evangelization and opposition to the culture of transitory. In this extraordinary journey, the audience will have the privilege to admire the eternal beauty of the Vatican Museums, Saint Peter’s...
劇情:1943年10月,美國海軍在費城進行了一次人工強磁場的機密試驗,即著名的“費城實驗(The Philadelphia Experiment)”,實驗成功地將一艘驅逐艦及全體船員投入另一空間。在實驗過程中,實驗人員啟動脈衝和非脈衝器,使船隻周圍形成了一個巨大的磁場。隨後整條船被一團綠光籠罩著,船隻和船員也開始從人們的視線中消失。實驗終止時,艦船已被移送到了479公里以外的諾福克(Norfolk)...其孫女試圖重振世界戰爭II“費城實驗”.........
劇情:This exploitive entry in the german sex smut genre isn’t this time about schoolgirls, but apprentice gals who are harrassed, raped and otherwisely sexually offended by their horny co-workers and even bosses they are working with.
導演:奧蘭多·馮·愛因西德爾 Hassan Akkad Lieven Corthouts Mohammad Reza Eyni Amber Fares Guillermo Galdos Lali Houghton Sara Khaki Wenhau Lin Mauricio Monteiro Filho Juhi Sharma
劇情:A desperate teenager is forced into the dangerous world of underground fighting to win enough money to save his ailing mother. He finds out what he's made of in the face of these violent hungry competitors.
演員:湯姆·霍珀 艾米·胡伯曼 尼克·鄧寧 Michelle Lehane Lacy Moore Brian McGuinness Luke Hanlon Conor Hegarty Luke Pierucci Aideen Gohery Norbert Selmaj Bryan Harte James Parker Sarah Reddy Maciej Zaleski
導演:Paul Tanter
劇情:An attack on the new President of a fledgling Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative against the country's ruthless military leader determined to seize control of the government.
劇情:凱拉(勞拉·喬丹 Laura Jordan 飾)、梅麗莎(尼姬·埃克斯 Nicki Aycox 飾)、鮑比(尼克·扎諾 Nick Zano 飾)和尼克(凱爾·施密德 Kyle Schmid 飾)等四個年輕人正驅車前往拉斯維加斯,準備參加那裡舉行的聚會。他們的車載半路拋錨,四人尋求幫助時在荒野找到一座空無一人的房子,繼而在倉庫裡找到一輛跑車。經過一番討論,他們決定留下聯繫方式,暫時把車開走,並負責賠償車主的損失。 然而他們的想法過於天真,這輛汽車的主人正是恐怖的鏽釘(馬克·吉本 Mark Gibbon 飾),凱拉等人破門而入和偷走汽車的行為徹底惹惱了他,鏽釘的瘋狂狩獵也隨即展開。凱拉等人命懸一線……
演員:Capucine Sainson-Fabresse 科琳娜·馬謝羅 Nicolas Casar
導演:Guillaume Maidatchevsky
劇情:Follows the journey of Clémence and her kitty, Rro?, as they leave Paris to spend the holidays in the countryside. While there, Rro? enjoys the wildlife and befriends Caline, a white kitten who prowls in the woods.