劇情:Follow Jeremy, Richard, and James, as they embark on an adventure across the globe. Driving new and exciting automobiles from manufactu res all over the world.
劇情:A small town loner and a rebellious punk rocker unexpectedly fall in love as they are forced on the run and soon discover violence follows them everywhere.
劇情:The story of the 140,000 Chinese workers who left their homes and came to war-torn Europe in 1917 and risked their lives for the Allied war effort, but whose vital contribution seems to have been airbrushed from history.
演員:Christian Bachini Alfons Chan Mars Huang Biao Long Yi En Xian
導演:Richard Chung
劇情:Break a Dead Lock 俠盜至尊 俠盜至尊是一部42分鐘的黑色動作喜劇獨立短片電影(電視電影)。由美籍華人導演Richard Chung在2013製作完成。目前已參展與各國大型國際電影節。故事講述Mark,阿抗,和小易是來自世界各地的孤兒,從小由俠盜高飛和他的搭檔坤叔撫養長大。10年前的一次任務中,Mark的失誤導致師傅高飛坐牢,冤死在獄中。數年後,三人決定金盆洗手恢復正常人的生活,但坤叔卻安排了一項令Mark 無法拒絕的任務,亦是與十年前高飛失敗的相關任務。三人計劃成功後就退休國外,卻不知幕後黑手已設了圈套- 僱了一群國際僱傭兵,要將三人滅口…