劇情:The current dating landscape is bleak at best and no one is more aware of this than Mackenzie, a disillusioned 25-year old law student whose love life consists of non-committal hookups and situationships from hell. When she has a “real life meet-cute” with Finn, a handsome and charming journalist who isn’t afraid to show affection, she starts to believe true love may actually e...
劇情:A burgeoning music writer spends a romantic weekend on an assignment with a queer indie artist she admires. Meanwhile, her older sister deals with the complexities of motherhood, an expanding marriage, and a slow but ferocious illness.
劇情:Fifa,一個準備進入大學的高中生,在新學年開始前被賦予了去外地照顧外婆的責任,在那裡他遇到了森林管理員Hem隊長。也是fifa弟弟的“Third哥”,一個工作狂國家公園部的官員,Hem隊長整天都在森林裡陪著野生動物,誰想到這個可愛的小男孩會進入Hem隊長的世界讓他心動 ,兩人彼 此發展感情,但他們的侷限性阻礙了他們的發展,他們懷疑他們的關係是否能進一步發展,把這個“夏季”變成“愛季” ~~ 改編自Thenoclassic的小說《迷失在樹林》 (Lost in the Woods)。
劇情: The life of a woman named Farah. After officially getting married and having the status of a wife, Farah was suddenly possessed by a dark power until she slowly lost control of herself.
劇情:根據拉瑪三世(Rama III, 1824年至1851年在位)在暹羅(現在的泰國的舊名)統治時期的一首詩,這個故事講述了女同性戀在皇家後宮的關係。 前宮太子的妃子坤康和忽素,彼此之間都隱藏著超越友誼的感情。他們只能遠遠地互相照顧,直到前宮經過,蘇特被請到桑王子的姐姐維拉斯公主的宏 偉宮殿裡服務。只有康(Kham)獨自漂泊,最終不得不與父親卡拉姆(Khram)一起返回家鄉安帕瓦(Amphawa)。到底,在感情的事情上,彼此又會如何公平呢?
劇情:The life of a woman named Farah. After officially getting married and having the status of a wife, Farah was suddenly possessed by a dark power until she slowly lost control of herself.
演員:馬克·休伯曼 Eoin Duffy 扎拉·德夫林 áine Ní Laoghaire Maeve Leonard Meabh Maguire Jace Bayley Kennedy
導演:Mélanie Delloye
劇情:A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker when she finds out of strange disappearances and murders taking place in the region.
演員:馬克·休伯曼 Eoin Duffy 扎拉·德夫林 Áine Ní Laoghaire Maeve Leonard Meabh Maguire Jace Bayley Kennedy
導演:Mélanie Delloye
劇情: A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker when she finds out of strange disappearances and murders taking place in the region.
劇情: Las maestras republicanas fueron unas mujeres que participaron en la conquista de los derechos de las mujeres y en la modernización de la educación, basada en los principios de la escuela pública y democrática. Este documental, a través de la recreación de la vida de una maestra de la época, e imágenes de archivo inéditas, nos descubre el legado que nos han dejado las maestras republicanas y que ha llegado hasta nuestros días.
劇情:On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybrid who brutally murders one of them. They uncover Piglet's origins and Kate must confront her past to survive the relentless killer.
演員:Florence Bray Adam Forster Jennifer Harvey-French
導演:Ryan Claffey
劇情:Jason Keaton befriends and documents a serial killers obsession with murdering women. They both hope for fame by screening their film at the Cannes International Film Festival.
演員:Nicole Pastor Jordan Fraser-Trumble Stephen Degenaro
導演:John Balazs
劇情:When a down-on-her luck video editor takes on a mysterious, well-paying job cutting snuff films, she is haunted by visions of the people in her videos.
演員:阿塔斯卡·梅爾卡多 Christy Imperial 馬克·安東尼·費爾南德斯 Van Allen Ong 阿羅娜·納瓦羅 卡里茲·曼薩諾
導演:Christian Paolo Lat
劇情:Mona, a baker's daughter, feels trapped by her controlling father Adon. New employee Lina ignites Mona's desires. Adon has contrasting plans for Mona. Torn between duty and passion, Mona must decide her future path.
劇情: 瑪麗(朱迪斯•戴維斯 Judith Davis 飾)從鄉下來到法國里昂國家音樂學院進修鋼琴演奏,借住在童年好友艾瑪(伊希爾•勒•貝斯柯 Isild Le Besco 飾)的公寓裡。兒時很害羞少語的艾瑪長大後變得成熟自信,讓瑪麗深深著迷,產生了不一樣的感情。瑪麗所在的學院學期末考核要求學生必須彈奏舒曼的狂歡節外加兩首自選歌曲,因為課程上高標準的要求,瑪麗不得不犧牲很多娛樂時間來嚴格練習鋼琴。因而她大部分時間都是在艾瑪陪伴下度過,二人分享著彼此生活的快樂,感情日益深厚。一次舞會上瑪麗受到陌生男子的騷擾無法脫身時,艾瑪及時相救,並給與安慰,使瑪麗倍感溫暖,二人的愛慾一觸即發。但艾瑪對瑪麗日益強烈的控制慾卻讓事情走向了不可控制的方向….