劇情:權泰山(張赫 飾)是一位熱愛舞蹈的韓國青年,能夠成為交誼舞冠軍是他最大,亦是最重要的人生理想。為了實現這個理想,權泰山千里迢迢隻身一人來到了新加坡,準備在這裡學習深造,開拓一片新天地。 在新加坡,權泰山結識了名叫艾米(范文芳 飾)的舞蹈老師,在艾米的精心指導下,權泰山的舞技突飛猛進,隨著時間的推移,他和亦師亦友的艾米之間產生了真摯的感情。成(賈森·斯科特·李 Jason Scott Lee 飾)亦愛戀著艾米,目睹著權泰山和艾米情愫漸生,成的心裡很不是滋味。終於,在一場舞蹈比賽上,成和權泰山打了一個賭,輸的那個人要永遠的離開新加坡,離開艾米,好勝的權泰山毫不猶豫地同意了。
劇情:這部大膽的紀錄片由美國小說家、學者和導演Robert H Lieberman執導,拍攝歷時兩年,腳本素材長達120小時,最終剪輯成為這部片長90分鐘的影片。拍攝期間,導演深入當地集市、拳擊訓練營、診所以及學校,採訪了一百多名當地居民,試圖為這個1962年以來一直隱秘的國家描繪一幅肖像。那麼他究竟揭示了什麼?
演員:Anthony Anderson ....Uncle Trevor James Avery ....The Chancellor Mo'Nique ....Aunt Carla Monica Allgeier ....Vicki Chrystee Pharris ....Jennifer
導演:Michael Taliferro
劇情:Unlike most films that chronicle contemporary African-American life which feature one or several recognizable actors 'Steppin' has a cast of 25 of the most popular, highly acclaimed, in demand stars in the industry with exceptional performances in this hilarious romp set on a university campus. The story line unfolds over a several month period in which the "Greeks" (fraterniti...
劇情:Captain Vinka Kovelenko defects from Russia, but not for political reasons. She defects because she feels discriminated against as a woman. Captain Chuck Lockwood gets the order to show her the bright side of capitalism, while she tries to convince him of the superority of communism. Naturaly, they fall in love, but there's still the KGB, which doesn't like the idea of having a...
劇情:JCVD是尚格·雲頓的名字JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME的首字母縮寫。本片是尚格·雲頓的一部半自傳性質的影片,他在片中對自己曾經是動作片明星而大開自己的玩笑。他從美國回到比利時家鄉,想尋找在美國所沒有的平靜的生活,但卻面臨稅務問題、與他的妻子爭奪兒子的監護權的官司、動作片不景氣時期,而且還捲入一樁銀行搶劫案。
劇情:慘白寒冷的房間內,一個身著內衣的女人(娜塔莎·埃勒姆 Natasha Alam 飾)從昏迷中醒來。在這個既像監獄又像精神病院的房間裡,她完全記不清自己姓氏名誰,來自何處,更不清楚自己為何會在這裡。這令她分外恐慌,幾近崩潰。不久,房門自動打開,她小心翼翼走出去,又先後遇到6名和她有著同樣經歷的男女。眾人在這座陰森、恐怖的建築內四處行走,期望找到能夠證明身份的信息。在一間佈滿精密儀器的房間內,他們發現一個業已死亡的老者以及一臺用來清除記憶的機器。而在此之前,機器已經使用過8次。 就在不久之後,第9個人神秘出現,而死亡也開始向他們襲來……
劇情:Mere Dad Ki Maruti is an outrageous comedy set against the backdrop of a loud Punjabi wedding in Chandigarh, directed by Ashima Chibber starring Saqib Saleem and Ram Kapoor in lead roles. It tells the story of a boy who sneaks his dad’s fancy new car out to impress the college hottie played by Rhea Chakraborty. All hell breaks loose when Sameer manages to lose the car!
劇情:Anne Boleyn is one of the most famous and controversial women in British history. In 1536, she became the first queen in Britain's history to be executed. The brutal speed of her downfall, and the astonishing nature of the charges against her - treason, adultery, even incest - makes her story shocking even to this day. Yet whilst we know how Anne died, the story of why she had ...