演員:Zamien 'Az-Is' Shearer Harper Anthony Kenneth Arnette
導演:Marcus Carothers
劇情:Richard Steele welcomes the drug trade into his plethora of felony activity. As advocates of community reform urge him to pursue righteous endeavors.
演員:Alexander Jaschik Franziska Junge Wolfram Koch Alma Leiberg 馬蒂亞斯·李爾 Benjamin Lillie Michael Rotschopf 簡妮·席麗 伯恩哈德·舒茨 Norma Walter Stephan Weber Max Woelky Ramin Yazdani 曼弗萊德·扎帕卡
劇情:某飛機失事後109名乘客僅數名倖存。心理醫生克萊爾(安妮•海瑟薇Anne Hathaway 飾)被導師派去對倖存者進行心理治療,卻發現自己漸漸愛上倖存者之一,前證券公司副總裁艾瑞克(帕特里克•威爾森 Patrick Wilson 飾)。與此同時,克萊爾發現診所外經常有人監視,自己被跟梢,病人神秘失蹤,甚至航空公司職員也來威脅她不要多管閒事,這令克萊爾懷疑航空公司為掩蓋機械故障的事實,故意用操作失誤來掩人耳目避免調查,進而對察覺真相的倖存乘客施以毒手。隨著克萊爾與艾瑞克感情的深入,病人竟變得越來越少,克萊爾與姐姐一家也失去聯絡,甚至就連她的自身安全也面臨威脅……
演員:雅克·岡布蘭 莎拉·弗里斯蒂 齊達內·蘇阿內 Carole Franck 雅克·布代 米歇爾·莫雷蒂 Zakariya Gouram Julia Vaidis-Bogard Adrien Stoclet Camille Gigot Laura Genovino Rose Marit Youari Kime 揚·戈旺 Nabil Massad 卡米爾·沙隆 卡里姆·萊克路 安東尼·米切爾 Régis Romele Daniel Bilong Lionel Jospin 尼古拉·薩科齊
導演:Michel Leclerc
劇情:巴婭(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 飾)是一名右翼人士,在當今的政壇上十分的活躍。她傳播思想的方式非常獨特——但凡跟她有過床笫之歡的右翼男士們,都紛紛投入到了左翼的陣營之中。從小就生活在多元而寬鬆的家庭氛圍之中的巴婭自幼便是開放而又火熱的性格,對待感情和性十分開放,這和保守又刻板的亞瑟(雅克·甘布林 Jacques Gamblin 飾)恰恰相反。 亞瑟是一名循規蹈矩的科學家,不幸的童年和家族裡的悲慘歷史讓他不自覺的揹負起了沉重的枷鎖,一輩子都生活在壓抑之中。這讓的他在機緣巧合之下同巴婭邂逅了,大相徑庭的兩人之間居然還碰撞出了愛情的火花。
劇情:Fidèle au roman, le film relate le dernier été du jeune Félix Leclerc dans la maison familiale de La Tuque, au Québec, tout juste avant qu'il quitte la région pour aller étudier à Ottawa. ...
演員:Daniela Stranner Kaori Oinuma 安東尼·詹寧斯 Jeremiah Lisbo 阿戈特·伊西德羅 Tonton Gutierrez Igi Boy Flores Gail Banawis Melissa Gibbs Hyubs Azarcon Prince Morales Keagan De Jesus 平克·阿馬多 Almira Muhlach Ron Alos
導演:Cathy Garcia-Molina
劇情:Love at First Stream follows the stories of a streamer, a student, a breadwinner, and a heartthrob as they explore love and friendships online to escape their realities offline.
演員:William Phipps Susan Douglas Rubes James Anderson
導演:Arch Oboler
劇情:Post-nuclear-war dramas centering on a small group of survivors now constitute an entire genre in science-fiction films. All of them, in some way or another, can be traced back to this seminal film from 1951 in which five people deal with the possibility they are the only human beings left alive on the planet. While most of the later movies exploited this possibility for B-movie thrills, Five adopts a quiet, contemplative tone which some may find dull but which thoughtful viewers are more likely to find, for want of a better word, haunting. There is something about this movie which gets under the skin and which lurks in the corners of the mind long after it's over.
劇情:A Native American grandmother who lives very simply alone in the desert actually inhabits a world that her half-Hispanic grandson and an aging white magician are surprised to rediscover.
劇情:In the Australian outback, a park ranger and two local guides set out to track down a giant crocodile that has been killing and eating the local populace. During the hunt, one of the guides discovers that he has an ESP connection to the giant creature.
演員:瑪蒂爾達·魯茨 波西亞·德·羅西 伊瓦娜·洛蒂託 費德里科·伊帕迪 南多·鮑勒 阿萊西奧·普拉蒂科 Ernesto D'Argenio 馬龍·朱伯特 朱塞佩·洛·皮科洛 Lorenzo de Moor 約薩法特·瓦尼 Leon de la Vallée Orlando Cinque Simone Corbisiero Gianmarco Vettori Pietro Micci Giulio Beranek Astrid Casali Simone Proietti
演員:Clayton Boyd Jay Anstey Stevel Marc Jonathan Boynton-Lee Ryan Flynn Ivan Nedeljkovic Graham Clarke Jade Hubner Michelle Van Der Nest Candice Weber Mpho Diloro Sidney Gilroy Keletso Mophuthing Milne Pocock