劇情:科幻系列小說《真理之劍》(The Sword of Truth)曾經創下了全美銷售量的白金記錄,而由該系列的第一部《巫師第一守則》(Wizard's First Rule)改編的電視劇《探索者傳說》(Legend of the Seeker)一經播出引起強烈的反響。該劇將在《指環王》三部曲拍攝的地點新西蘭取景,講述了男主角探索自身魔法力量的神秘之旅,並阻止殘暴的統治者罪惡行徑的故事。與之同行的還有美麗的女子凱蘭和年邁的巫師佐德。該劇投資巨大,魔幻場景堪稱歷年罕見。該劇將於11月8日在美國聯合有線電視網播出第二季。 第二季的情節將緊接第一季結尾展開,這一次主人公理查德將面對「巫師第二守則」的挑戰。理查德是拉哈家族的直系後代,暗王拉哈同父異母的兄弟。他的這一身份將為他今後的冒險帶來很多不確定因素。痛苦使者卡拉成為理查德、凱蘭、佐德團隊中的第四人,她的到來將「攪動」理查德和凱蘭之間的關係。 更多精彩即將在第二季出現,讓我們再次踏上魔幻的征程。
劇情:The sixth and final season (also known as A Place to Call Home: The Final Chapter) of the Seven Network television series A Place to Call Home premiered on Showcase 19 August 2018. The series is produced by Chris Martin-Jones, and executive produced by Penny Win and Julie McGauran.
劇情:Meeting his girlfriend's family for the first time, Ryan must prove his intentions with their daughter, Sarah, and win the approval of her father, Greg. All the while masking his jealousy for Sarah's ex-fling, Tyler. As the Christmas celebrations and traditions begin, things start to happen around the cabin. As a blizzard descends on Lake Alice, so does evil. The family members...