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演員:ScottStepp DerrisNile NicholasT.King ConnyVanDyke DavidZelina CarolynCrotty
劇情:A friend of mine had rented "Shiner" only because the clerks at his local video store were talking about "how much of a bigot the director is," implying that homophobia was at the root of the film (apparently these folks never watched the special features on the DVD, which totally negates that opinion). My friend took the video home and reported to me his fascination with the film; at the same time, he felt aroused, repulsed, intrigued and frightened during and after the flick. He told me about the premise of the film, and felt somewhat ashamed for finding some of its darker content erotic.\n \n \n \n A few weeks later, I picked up the film and had a similar experience. I was confused; in the queer movement were taught so much about power dynamics and organize ourselves to fight violence, but here was a dramatically different take on the subject. What ended my confusion was the interview with writer\/director Christian Calson on the DVD. The line of his that grabbed me the most: "I didn't want to make another gay romantic comedy." Things suddenly made sense to me. So many queer, I mean, gay films (ahem) are merely homo-remakes of mainstream romantic comedies. As queers, our message got lost as we sought inclusion in a particular medium. So, in what might be the most post-modern move of a writer\/director in film history, Christian Calson sought to queer gay cinema. (Yes, I'm using queer as a verb.) He later supports this argument by talking about a form of "post-gay liberation" in which gay leaders shouted "We're doctors! We're lawyers! We're teachers!" to the point our difference and diversity became invisible. "We're just like you" led to us becoming nothing, in a sense.\n \n \n \n While the movie is disturbing at times, it's thoroughly engaging. The audience member feels like a voyeur, peeping into the lives of these three "couples." And through that voyeurism, we come to a closer understanding of the elements of violence and how it relates to queerness. From self-loathing to internalized homophobia, from bitter rage to being just plain f'ed up, "Shiner" takes us through a mini-gamut of how violence affects us all, in ways no PSA or "the More You Know" segment could ever hope to address.\n \n \n \n I highly suggest that you pick up the DVD of the film and watch the special features, including the Calson interview and the commentary, which is a noteworthy production in its own right.
演員:MattLynch SashaAndreev AmandaDay
劇情:A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City on Black Friday, and one by one, basic services fail. Within weeks, society collapses into chaos, and the government activates The Division, a classified unit of self-supporting agents. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, Division agents are trained to operate independently of command when all else fails. In Tom Clancy's The DivisionTM: Agent Origins, four newly activated agents must serve as civilization's last line of defense after a man-made virus devastates New York City. Based on the video game by Ubisoft®, this action-packed film introduces the world of The Division to fans of Tom Clancy movies.
演員:安娜·肯德里克 傑瑞米·喬丹 娜塔莉·奈普 MegHudson CharlieWilliams CatLynch NicNovicki 雪莉·雷奈·史考特 艾倫·辛普森 GinaSarno 勞拉·哈里爾 StephanieCorbett AshleySpencer RandyRedd BetsyWolfe
劇情:影片改編自傑森·羅伯特·布朗2002年的同名音樂劇。男主角傑米(《名聲大噪》男星傑瑞米·喬登飾)邂逅了女主角凱西(肯德里克飾),彼時,他是初出茅廬的作家,她是前途光明的演員,兩人墜入愛河,步入婚姻殿堂,度過一段快樂時光。\n \n 隨後傑米的第一本書便大獲成功,寫作事業從此蒸蒸日上;而凱西卻一直在俄亥俄州的小劇場默默表演,始終未能等到成名的機會。兩人一度美滿的婚姻也因此觸礁,相愛五年,悲劇收場。
演員:Heidi Lynch Perrie Voss 費伊·馬賽 Brenda Robins 克里斯蒂安·布魯恩 Nelu Handa 斯科特·卡瓦列羅
劇情:Ever wondered about your parents' sex life? Neither did Molly and Elle until coming out and divorce forced them to learn about their parents' new sex-capades. After a lifetime of dating men, Molly (31, a grade eight teacher) surprises herself when she falls in love with a woman for the first time. When she finds the courage to come out as bisexual to her suburban parents, they ...