藍色彼岸,Bad Game Love Game,Game Rai Pai Game Ruk
註定之愛,天賜良緣,愛的筆跡,Likit Sanae Ha,Good Feeling
Eye in the Heart,Duang Taa Nai Duang Jai
Patiharn Ruk,Miracle of Love,奇蹟之愛
Roy Marn,Trace of the Devil
Mia Taeng,Wedded Wife
Tawan Dued,Tawan Deard
Dok Kaew
愛的奴隸,Slave of Love,Tard Rak
尋愛,Crossing the Time to Find Love,Karm Wayla Tharm Ha Ruk
Wanalee,The Forest
Love Never Dies,Ruk Mai Mee Wun Tay
Dok Som See Thong,Golden Orange Flowers
Tur Gub Kao Lae Ruk Kong Rao,You and Him, and Our Love
愛神的陰影,Cupid’s Shadows,Ngao Kammathep
Rose Without Thorns,Kularb Rai Narm
單身貴族,Suay Rerd Cherd Sod
Ngao Hua Jai,The Heart's Shadow
Ngao Ruk Luang Jai
瘋狂的婚姻,Wiwa Wah Woon,Chaotic Wedding
風仙花的逆襲,鳳仙花的秘密,Trickery of the Rose Balsam
Heavenly Phoenix,Hong Fah
Honorable Prisoner,Chaloey Sak
Taddao Bussaya
Kularb Nuer Mek,Temptation of roses
留住夕陽光,願時光凝結,Yark Yood Tawan Wai Tee Plai Fah
??????????Sood Sanae Ha
Proong Nee Ghor Ruk Tue
The trap of evil is defeated by love,Buang Rai Pye Ruk
Poo Yai Lee Gub Nang Ma
迷思的愛,愛情買賣,Sanae Ha Ngern Tra
我家的天使,Jaew Jai Rai Gub Khun Chai Tevada,Komloss Songha Kanya Jerng La'or,Feuding Sun
贖途,Borisut Bumbut Kaen,The Revenge Therapy Company
真愛來找碴,愛情惡作劇,Ruk Leh Saneh Luang,Tricky Love
變調的果實,變了色的果子,變色果,Look Mai Plian See,Luk Maai Blien See,Fruit that changes color
Sapai Glai Peun Tiang
Pleng Ruk Kaam Pob
The Moonlight Crown
宮殿上的露珠,Wung Nam Karng
Jao Ying Lam Sing,鄉村歌手公主
Silamanee,Precious Stone
Yeuy Fah Tah Din,天堂與地獄的挑戰
Bpom Ruk Roy Adeed
Ruk Sorn Kaen,Love Concealing Revenge
愛的枷鎖,愛情追蹤,Gae Roy Ruk,Trace of Love
Roi Ruk Raeng Kaen,愛與恨悠悠
新保衛國土,Keb Pandin
我的英雄之保境安民/My Hero之國土之心
Por Krua Hua Pah
Evening Glow,Sunset Glory,Tawan Yor Saeng
孽情魅戒,慾望之戒,Waen Sawaat
Pleng Ruk Pa Bpeun Taek